Good Women Fellowship

Good Women Fellowship

Members of the Good Women Fellowship are passionate and committed to working with Jesus to see souls saved and transformed into the image of Christ. We hold in esteem the virtues of a Godly Christian Wife to our husbands and Mother to all, giving ourselves wholly to the work of the ministry. We often have our meetings after the close of Sunday worship service, to deliberate on issues affecting our lives and families, and pray with the help of the Holy Spirit to overcome any challenges to our faith in Christ. We also have our Good Women’s Vigil Every Second Friday of the month time: 10:00 PM. Whenever we meet to pray and intercede one for another, God has always shown up in our midst as evidenced by the diverse miracles and breakthroughs experienced by our members.


God has been so good to us. We have enjoyed the grace of God in diverse ways like safe conception and delivery of healthy babies. Prayers are rendered, regularly, for women and men waiting upon the Lord for the fruit of the womb. Testimonies abound of personal and congregational victories, both physical and spiritual. To God be the Glory.


Our goals include:

  • Support to our Pastors and Ministers.
  • Sharing our burden/concern and seeking the face of God for a divine solution.
  • Bringing all women together in love and unity.
  • Mobilizing and training our children in a Godly way.
  • Studying and admonishing ourselves in the word of God, taking into consideration the great women in the Bible and how they impacted their generation.

We extend a hand of fellowship to you to come and experience the goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ. We welcome all women to be a part of what God is doing in our midst. Jesus is Lord!