Our Belief
Man is an extension of God. So, like God, he has creative powers. As a result, God never finishes creating anything, but rather, he begins the process and commits the continuance in the hand of man (Gen. 1:26-28). The reality of this is vivid in Adam (Gen. 2:15, 19-20). When on earth, Jesus was the light of the world. At his exit, we become the light in His stead (Jn. 8:12; Mt. 5:14).
Same is the picture today. God creates every man. But further work, as to his mind development, branding and definition is delegated to some man to handle. So, social, economic and spiritual primacy is programmed in man by some other man (Mt.11:28-30; 4:19).
This ‘Man shapes man’ syndrome makes Church a centre for creation of destinies. What a man becomes is not wholly of God, but much more, the quality of inputs injected into him by some other man. When people accept proper pruning, they become prime in life.
People pay fortune to get educated in sensual knowledge at different levels of schooling, but it costs the blood of Jesus to be connected to God. But the knowledge of God makes the connection strong (Dan.11:32).
Universities produce graduates. But Church produces believers. What we believe determines what we become. Our light determines the right we know, the right we know sponsors our faith, and our faith allays our fright, and propels our flight.
Who is a believer?
A believer is someone who accepts JESUS CHRIST as the author of life, his Lord and savior, and esteems the WORD OF GOD as the standard to run that life. He also accepts both as the final word or conclusion over all matters {Ps.119:128}.
He does not only accepts Jesus Christ as his Lord and savior, but he handles HIS WORSHIP with all intensity and fervency in Spirit and in truth (Jn. 4:23-24).
A believer is someone who accepts PRAYER as the only key to tackle life challenges.
From the above notes, as a ministry, we value THE WORD, THE WORSHIP & THE PRAYER, as ultimate aspects of our fellowships, JESUS being our corner stone, engendering pure heart as tenets to ascend God’s Holy Mountain.