House Fellowship Department

The House Fellowship Department is an arm of Watchtower Christian Assembly.  The House Fellowship Unit has the responsibility of effecting prompt implementation of the church growth programs of Watchtower Christian Assembly on Church Planting and House Fellowship Development at the grassroots level.


As an important arm of Watchtower Christian Assembly and in line with the overall vision of the church, the main objectives of the House Fellowship Unit are: to ensure commitment of House Fellowship Leaders to Follow Up, New Believers’ Class Training and New Comers’ Preservation; to encourage relevance of House Fellowship to Church Growth through Mass reproduction of House Fellowship Leaders; to create awareness on the need for parishioners, in all WCA Branches, to attend House Fellowship meetings and release their homes for House Fellowship.


We thank God for how far He has helped us. By His grace we shall continue to be relevant to the spiritual and numerical growth of the body of Christ in this end time. Our prayer is that the Lord will count us worthy of His calling.


To accomplish the aforementioned Vision, we seek to fulfill the following:

  1. G – GROWTH: Ensure commitment of House Fellowship Leaders to Follow Up, New Believers’ Class Training and New Comers’ Preservation.
  2. R – RELEVANCE: Encourage relevance of House Fellowship to Church Growth through Mass reproduction of House Fellowship Leaders
  3. A – AWARENESS:  Create awareness on the need for parishioners, in all WCA Branches, to attend House Fellowship meetings and release their homes for House Fellowship. Specifically, we target last Sundays of each Month as House Fellowship awareness day in all WCA Branches.
  4. C – Church Planting: To help in Church Planting by identifying and translating House Fellowship Centers, with large population, to full fledged WCA Branches.
  5. E – Evangelism:  To Liaise with WCA Branches to actualize the goals of the Mission on Evangelism by mobilizing House Fellowship members for Personal or Mass Evangelism, especially on the last Saturdays of each Month.



  1. House Fellowship is capable of meeting the needs of the members in a way the large congregation will not be able to do. Since the number of people in a House Fellowship Centre is relatively few, the immediate as well as intimate needs of the members can easily be met.
  2. House Fellowship creates a greater sense of belonging among the members. Each member sees him/herself as belonging to the House Fellowship Centre as a unit and the church as a whole. This sense of belonging enhances growth.
  3. It breeds unity in the church. It does this by creating unity among the House Fellowship members.
  4. Neighborhood evangelism is made easier through the House Fellowship system.
  5. The House Fellowship does not cost as much to run as a full fledged church building, yet it consistently proves to be more efficient.
  6. A well-organized House fellowship system eliminates clique formation and informal groups. This elimination is possible because the number of members in the House Fellowship is kept to the barest minimum.
  7. Evangelism of church programs can easily be done through interaction with House Fellowship Members.