Media Department

The Media department is an integral part of any church and plays a vital role in ensuring the dissemination of information in various forms to further the vision and Mission of the Watchtower Christian Assembly.


We fulfill our mandate using various forms of media – audio, visual, electronic and social media. Our role can be summarized by the quote “Our job is to have a heart for God, eyes for video and an ear for sound.”


We see technology as a critical tool of communication and therefore utilize technology to optimize worship, preaching and teaching with the aim of glorifying Jesus Christ.


This is accomplished by providing video and digital coverage for  all ministry activities, concerts, and other special programs, performing continuous sound checks during ministrations. and boosting the word of God using digital and electronic media. Through technology, we  also ensure that recorded church events are archived for ease of retrieval and future reference by the church and the community.


Our services include audio recording, sound check, photography, video recording and audio-video duplication. We thrive on support from volunteers and welcome participation in creating awareness of the Gospel to the community to enable members actualize their God given purpose through available media.