Our Mandate

  • To fill souls with PASSION for HOLINESS and RIGHTEOUSNESS.
  • To redirect the focus of MEN to ETERNAL LIFE.


our watchword

But on Mount Zion there shall be deliverance, And there shall be holiness; The house of Jacob shall possess their possessions – Obadiah 1:17




Every living organ operates on Purpose. The purpose of Jesus’ Church is first soul winning and then other things. This commission is not left out of that fact and ultimatum.

Purpose creates Direction. It is the biggest, best and the most reliable Sign-Post anybody could follow to lead his journey.

So, it is compelling for every Covenant Member to understand our Purpose, as a way of being relevant in achieving it JOINTLY.

Church is TEAM WORK, between men and men and men and God (1Cor.3:6). So, Church is EVANGELISM TEAM.

Evangelism team in this case is not the normal team we do have in Church as unit, for the regular soul winning assignment. Our primary purpose surpasses soul winning to soul establishing and Church Planting (Jn.15:16).


Purpose of the Commission:

Our purpose is to contribute our quota to the expansion of Christ’s Kingdom through the platform of the commission of Watchtower Christian Assembly and the call of God upon Pastor Samuel Olayinka.


Mission of the Commission:

Our mission is to get Men Breaded, Buttered, Bettered, Bolstered and Boosted.

We achieve this by evolving a system of hunger for the Word. We believe the Word of God is the ultimate mechanism to get life work and drive it into success and fulfilment.

So, we mobilize souls, and apply both conservative and modern creative techniques to execute the great commission, as to get their heart open to their ultimate need.

Also, we want to help ourselves by mobilizing and synergizing our God-Given assignments and graces into ONE PARTNERSHIP FORCE, as a way of achieving more together (Pr.27:17; Eccl.4:9-12).


Vision of the Commission:

Our vision is to raise a generation of believers passionate for holiness and heaven through the engrafted Word.

To achieve this, we have to reach out aggressively, and there are four (4) major areas we explore principally:

  • Canvassing and Public Outcry for Christ through:
  1. One on one Evangelism
  2. Crusades
  3. Rallies
  • Keeping our respondents, both INTERNAL and EXTERNAL, through:
  1. Seminars (Outside the four-walls of our Church).
  2. Online broadcasts on social media
  3. Follow ups through other strategical means.
  • Grooming respondents to become disciples (A disciple is someone that has fully believed and following the message sacrificially).
  • Church Planting.



The two Main Cords that Tie Destinies Together in a Course (Amos 3:3):

  1. Vision (Pr.29:18; Acts 16:9-10). It is where we are going we follow its path. Two people having not the same direction or destination in sight cannot walk together. From Benin, people going to Kano and Lagos cannot walk together.
  2. Value (Mk.8:38). It is how we see life we live it. Two people that differ in who and what they cherish and honour cannot walk together. For instance, righteousness is foolishness to a sinner, and sinfulness is stupidity to a righteous. So, both ends can’t tie together. Two parallel lines don’t meet.

Unifying both points above, we can say, walking together requires EYES seeing the same thing, HEART knowing, understanding and appreciating the same thing, and then, LEG will go the same direction or destination.

Majorly there are 3 vehicles of evangelism:


Three Main Vehicles of Evangelism:

  • Human Resources / Capital
  • Mental/Intellectual Resources
  • Financial Resources

A flood light can brighten a dark environment in the night, but not the heart in the least. It take the Word of God to enlighten the heart (2Cor.4:3-4).

You might be thinking Spiritual Resources is not mentioned in the above points, it’s simply because spirituality makes use of something to gain expression. Spirituality is the basement of everything in God. The three highlighted things above are the implements or capital of the Spirit to drive effective evangelism work.


HUMAN RESOURCES (Ezek.22:30; Ps.106:23).

There is nothing God cannot do, but He would never do anything without man. God cannot praise Himself, man will. God cannot be on the streets to preach, man will. He (God) empowers anyone who makes himself available for Him to appear and do it on His behalf. So, God does everything he does through man he recruited by delegated authority (Rom.10:14-17; 8:30).

How many people does it require to change a system?

System is how units work or relate together to run the affairs of things. In government offices, we call it bureaucracy. In Church, we call it order.

If an existing system is wrong or not working well, how many people would be required to re-order it? It starts from a God carrier, charged soul in hunger for change (Judges 6:16; Ex.3:12; Jos.1:5-6).

The driving force this person has is VISION. Vision is the revelation of God’s redemptive plan and our role in it.

Vision can be caught through revelation, the Word of God or through experience. And by nature, vision is contagious. It spreads from one to all, till it gets to global scale. A true vision, when caught, inspires participation and imposes responsibility (Phil.1:27).

When vision unites people, you can’t easily divide or stop them (Num.11:1-6).

Anywhere there’s vision, there must be message. Message is the ideals the vision carries (Mk.1:21-22).


MENTAL RESOURCES (Hos.4:6; Pr.11:9)

This is the “KNOW HOW” we need to operate intelligently and excellently. What and which steps to follow, being loaded with right knowledge, and being strategic.

God does not use untrained soldiers, or they become disgrace on the field of battle.

Why many things we do have no result is not because they are not right, but because they are not properly handled. There’s a way you can’t kill Goliath (1Sam.17:38-40).

Knowledge used to change every 300 years, but now every 3 months. So, consistent training and improvement is the order of our kingdom. We learn, unlearn and relearn.

You develop mental capacity through 2 means:

  1. Formal Training – Bible studies, Seminars, Line Instructions etc.
  2. Informal Training – Mentorship, Observation, On-the-Job training, Personal experience, etc.


FINANCIAL RESOURCES (Eccl.10:19; Phil.4:19; Hos.2:8).

Money plays a great role in whatever we do in life, not excluding the gospel. We may not get all we require from the scratch, but we believe strongly that, “God with us, nothing will be lacking or missing”. More so, as the vision multiplies number, number makes provision available.


Where enough INTEREST is generated, funds can be harnessed to sponsor the object of that interest.