Youths and Young Adults Fellowship

Youths and Young Adults Fellowship
This fellowship comprises young and vibrant adults who are not yet married. Our purpose is to serve God with all of our might, spirit, soul and body. We believe there is no better time to be of relevance to the kingdom of God as when young and unmarried. It is fun serving God in the Youth and Singles fellowship, as we routinely engage in diverse activities that excite, educate, inspire and motivate us towards achieving success which comes with righteousness and godly living. Some of the activities that get us busy for the kingdom include: soul winning, follow-ups, praying one for another, special training events, sanctuary keeping etc. whatever makes God happy is our priority at heart. Being a part of us can make all the positive difference in your life.
It is wonderful that our children know the Lord from their youth. A young mind filled with God’s love has no place for junk from the devil’s pantry. We pray that God will continue to use these youths and young adults for His glory in Jesus name. We welcome you to fellowship with us.